Scientific Program

Monday 22 May

16:30-17:30 Registration

Tuesday 23 May

08:30-09:30 Registration and Welcome
09:30-10:00 A. Cavagna Scaling concepts in active matter
10:00-10.30 A. Sozza Dynamics of floating particles in stratified turbulence [PDF]
10:30-11.00 A. Celani How to navigate in complex fluid environments: animal behavior and artificial intelligence
11.00-11:30 coffee break
11.30-12:00 V. Fernández Microbial motility in complex fluid environments [PDF]
12.00-12:30 R. Golestanian Trail-following bacteria: from single particle dynamics to collective beaviour [PDF]
12:30-14:30 lunch break
14.30-15:00 O. Semeraro Active flow control using reduced-order models [PDF]
15:00-15:30 D. Gatti Understanding turbulent skin-friction drag reduction from the energetic viewpoint [PDF]
16.30-17:00 U. Lacis A computational continuum model of poroelastic beds [PDF]
16:00-16:30 coffee break
15:30-16:00 A. Mazzino Fluttering conditions of an aeroelastic energy harvester device [PDF]

Wednesday 24 May

09:00-09:30 U. Marini Bettolo Marconi Statistical mechanics of active fluids [PDF]
09:30-10:00 I. Pagonabarraga Collective behavior and pattern formation in actuated magnetic and Janus colloidal suspensions [PDF]
10:00-10:30 L. Giomi Geometry, defects and motion in active matter [PDF]
10:30-11:00 J. Lintuvuori Hydrodynamic simulations of liquid crystal colloid composites [PDF]
11:00-11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:00 A. Alexakis Critical transitions in thin layer turbulence [PDF]
12:00-12:30 J. Dunkel Spontaneous mirror-symmtry breaking and inverse energy transport in 3D active fluids [PDF]
12:30-14:30 lunch break
14:30-15:00 F. Ginelli The Boltzmann-Ginzburg-Landau approach for continuous descriptions of flocking active matter [PDF]
15:00-15:30 R.J.A.M. Stevens Large eddy simulations and modeling of the interaction between large wind farms and the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer [PDF]
15:30-15:40 M. Chinappi Swimming and rafting of E. coli microcolonies at air-liquid interfaces: experimental results and numerical modelling [PDF]
15:40-15:50 B. Kaoui Impact of the viscosity contrast on dynamics, rheology and partitioning of red blood cells in the microcirculatory system [PDF]
15:50-16:00 A. Gupta Hydrodynamic self-assembly of neutrally-buoyant particles in a channel flow: effect of flow inertia [PDF]
16:00-16:30 coffee break
16:30-16:40 M. Buzzicotti Transition from 3D to 2D turbulence by Fourier space decimation [PDF]
16:40-16:50 M. Sadullah Lattice Boltzmann simulation of droplets on lubricant impregnated surfaces [PDF]
16:50-17:00 L. Janssen Swimming on a sphere: active matter on curved manifolds [PDF]
16:50-17:00 G. Tomaiuolo Microconfined flow of red blood cells [PDF]
17:10-17:20 V. Preziosi The effect of flow on emulsion microstructure in a phase inversion process [PDF]
17:20-17:30 R. Pastore Structural relaxation and dynamic heterogeneities in soft materials: a simple experimental approach [PDF]

Thursday 25 May

09:00-09:30 M. Wilczek How tracer particles sample the complexity of turbulence [PDF]
09:30-10:00 M. Cencini Irreversibility and Lagrangian power statistics in turbulence [PDF]
10:00-10:30 M. Linkmann Nonlinear interactions and multiscale correlations in Navier-Stokes turbulence [PDF]
10:30-11:00 R. Verzicco FSI for natural and prosthetic valves in the left heart ventricle [PDF]
11:00-11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:00 C. Misbah Passive and active cells in a fluid [PDF]
12:00-12:30 G. Gonnella Phase co-existence in bidimensional passive and active particle systems [PDF]
12:30-14:30 lunch break
14:30-15:00 S. Verma Machine learning for synchronised swimming
15:00-15:30 K. Gustafsson Flow navigation by smart microswimmers via reinforcement learning [PDF]
15:30-15:40 D. Belardinelli Thermal fluctuations of an interface near a contact line [PDF]
15:40-15:50 B. Dorschner Entropy-based Lattice Boltzmann models for complex flows [PDF]
15:50-16:00 O. Aouane Fluid-jammed phase transitions of dense suspension of capsules: a model system for soft-glassy matter [PDF]
16:00-16:30 coffee break
16:30-16:40 G. Tauzin Entropic Lattice Boltzmann as an implicit Large-Eddy Simulation: insights from 2D turbulence
16:40-16:50 M. De Pietro Energy cascade and irreversibility in reversible shell models of turbulence [PDF]
16:50-17:00 A. Sarracino Nonlinear response of a driven tracer in simple model fluids [PDF]
17:00-17:10 S. Caserta Flow induced microstructure of emulsions [PDF]
17:10-17:20 M. Borgnino Clustering in a polydisperse phytoplankton population [PDF]
17:20-17:30 L. Azevedo An open source non-Newtonian FSI solver implementation: extension for the fsiFoam and developed for foam-extended-3.1 [PDF]
17:30-17:40 C. Caiazza Study of shear-induced structuring and of velocity profiles evolution in wormlike micellar solutions flowing in microchannels [PDF]

Friday 26 May

09:00-11:00 Free for discussions