In this paragraph we briefly give a different scheme [62,137] (which has somewhat a better formalization) of the Chapman-Enskog derivation and the definition of the Burnett and super-Burnett orders of the expansion, which will be useful in the discussion of the granular kinetic theories. The scheme includes the same fundamental passage, i.e. the individuation of a reference (``equilibrium'') state which exactly solves the Boltzmann kinetic equation in the absence of perturbation, an expansion of the ``perturbed'' solution around this state in powers of the velocity and an expansion of all the transport equations in gradients of the hydrodynamical fields (above we have given it as a phenomenological fact, in Eq. (2.144)):
(2.140) |
and a factor is assigned to every gradient operator while different time scales are coupled to the different orders in the gradient expansion: ;