
In questa pagina raccogliamo il materiale degli interventi degli incontri virtuali del TNTea Time

26/5/2020 Angelo Vulpiani

Levels of Reality in Weather Forecasting: the Lesson by Richardson and Von Neumann

6/6/2020 Giacomo Gradenigo:

THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM: (in) Quantum non-integrable and classical integrable systems

Venerdì 3 Luglio, h16: Maria Chiara Angelini

How to solve sparse hard inference problems: (Replicated) Simulated Anneling vs Bayes optimal algorithms

Venerdì 10 Luglio: h16: Paolo Muratore Ginanneschi

Processi stocastici in spazi di Hilbert: introduzione all’equazione stocastica di Schroedinger

Venerdì 17 Luglio: ANTONIO PONNO

The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem: quasi-integrability perspective

Venerdì 18 Settembre: MARCO BAIESI

An introduction to unsupervised learning and Boltzmann machines

Venerdì 2 ottobre: FRANCESCO BORRA

Effective models and predictability of chaotic multiscale systems via machine learning

Venerdì 9 Ottobre ore 10.00: SIMONE PIGOLOTTI

Proprietá generiche della produzione di entropia

Venerdì 23 Ottobre: LORENZO CAPRINI

Spontaneous Velocity Alignment in Active Brownian Particles

Venerdì 6 Novembre, ore 16: MARCO BALDOVIN

Using machine-learning modelling to understand macroscopic dynamics in a system of coupled maps

Venerdì 20 Novembre, ore 16: VALENTINA ROS

Many-Body Localization: ergodicity breaking, between integrability and glassiness

Venerdì 4 Dicembre ore 16:20: PIERFRANCESCO DI CINTIO

N-body chaos, discreteness effects and collective instabilities in numerical simulations of Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom: a case study with self-gravitating models

Giovedì 17 Dicembre ore 17: LAMBERTO RONDONI

Irreversibility Revisited: when probability turns material

Venerdì 15 Gennaio: ANDREA DE LUCA

Relaxation and thermalisation in quantum and classical many-body integrable systems

Venerdì 29 Gennaio: ANDREA PLATI

Modeling slow and collective dynamics in dense granular matter


The Brownian motion of light-speed particles

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Baiesi_TNT_2020_all.pdf r1 manage 3070.6 K 2020-09-22 - 14:09 AndreaBaldassarri Marco Baiesi Slides
PDFpdf TNT-Covid-Time.pdf r1 manage 805.8 K 2020-07-15 - 10:09 AndreaBaldassarri  
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Topic revision: r19 - 2021-02-25 - AndreaBaldassarri
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