Under the assumption of molecular chaos, i.e.
are the probability density functions for two particles and one
particle respectively, it is possible to write down the Boltzmann
Equation (2.98), which can be solved by
means of Monte Carlo methods. Here we used a simplified (but still
efficient) version of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo scheme
proposed by Bird [30]. A detailed discussion of this method
can be found in Appendix A. Here we briefly anticipate a difference
with respect to the original version of the algorithm: the clock which
determines the collision rate is replaced by an a-priori fixed
collision rate via a constant collision probability
given to
every disk at every time-step
of the simulation, in such a
way that the single-particle collision rate is
. The colliding particle then seeks its collision partner among the
other particles in a neighborhood of radius
, choosing it
randomly with a probability proportional to their relative velocities.
Moreover in this approximation the diameter
is no more
explicitly relevant but it is directly related to the choices of
in a non trivial way: in fact the Bird algorithm allows
the particles to pass through each others, so that a precise diameter
cannot be defined and estimated as a function of
. The assumption of Molecular Chaos is reasonable at low
densities and low inelasticities, when colliding particles can be
considered uncorrelated. We have discussed what happens at medium and
higher densities in elastic hard spheres gases (see section
Furtherly the chosen collision rule excludes the presence of tangential forces [76,181,196], and hence the rotational degrees of freedom do not contribute to the description of the dynamics.
The agreement between our simulations and the inspiring experiments, justifies the simplifying assumptions considered for our model, i.e. assuming molecular chaos and neglecting tangential forces. Nevertheless, as a partial check, in section 4.3.2 we try a modified version of the 2D Inclined Channel Model where the tangential forces may affect the post-collisional velocities of the particles. As reported below, the introduction of such forces does not change the behavior of the measured quantities.