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We have studied the average kinetic energy (``granular temperature'') and the average energy dissipated by the collisions of the system. These quantities are defined in the following way:
is the kinetic energy loss during the
collision occurring at time
. These quantities reach a stationary
value (i.e. are ``constant'') after a transient time of the order of
the longest characteristic time (which may be
and if they are time-averaged on an observation time of the same order
is taken much smaller). The stationary values of kinetic
and dissipated energy are shown in Fig. fig_K+W for different
choices of the restitution coefficients and of the characteristic time
of the bath
, in
Molecular Dynamics simulations.
In these MD simulations we can estimate the mean free time as
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(3.10) |
and, as is observed to be almost always in the range
, using in all simulations
, we expect
. Our observations confirm this expectation.
The analysis of Fig. fig_K+W are in agreement with the scenario
proposed in the discussion of the previous paragraph. In the elastic
the granular temperature tends toward the bath
temperature (and the kinetic energy in collisions tends to zero). In
the collisionless limit (upper curves) the granular temperature again
tends toward the bath temperature and this happens for every value of
. In the ``colliding'' regime the system is sensible to
inelasticity and the granular temperature drops under the bath
temperature when
![]() |
A mean-field relation between granular temperature, bath temperature
and dissipated energy in collisions can be calculated. We assume that
in a small step of time of length the dissipated energy in
collisions is exactly equal to energy gained from the ``bath''
(i.e. the Langevin equation)
. This is of course
a rough approximation: we have already noticed that the
stationarity is strictly observed only for time-averages taken on the
largest time of the problem, while on shorter times the values are
fluctuating (in principle these fluctuations are physical and not
statistical, i.e. they should not vanish if averaged on many
realizations, because they are due to the different relaxation
processes that have different characteristic times) and this equality
is not guaranteed.
However, we try to verify this very rough relation, writing
is the velocity variation during a time interval
in Eq. (3.3a), from which we obtain the relations:
where the average is taken over different realizations of the noise.
We then insert Eqs. (3.12) and (3.13) into Eq. (3.11), assuming the equivalence among time averages, particle averages and ensemble averages, obtaining:
The numerical check of such relation is shown in Fig. fig_relazionewt.
This relation is fairly verified, showing that in this model
fluctuations have not dramatic effects on averages and that the model
is not too far from ergodicity (we have identified time averages with
realization averages) and from strict stationarity (we have assumed a
perfect energy balance in a time step ).
Finally, we have studied the thermodynamic limit of some physical
observables, using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (see Appendix A). The
quantities under study are the granular temperature , the mean
collision rate
and the correlation dimension
. The latter
quantity will be exactly defined in the next paragraph. The number of
particles has been increased keeping the ratio
fixed, in
. We show the results of these simulations in
Fig. fig_tl1 and Fig. fig_tl2.
The results are at odds with the same study performed on the model proposed by Du, Li and Kadanoff. There it could be obtained a stationary state with no proper thermodynamic limit. Here the existence of a proper thermodynamic limit is well verified: moreover the results in the figures show that with a few particles the observed statistical properties are compatible with that measured in bigger systems.