Rome 22-24 September 2013

Scientific Program

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Monday 22 September

08:00-09:30 Registration
Chair: U. Marini Bettolo Marconi
09:30-09:45 P. Mataloni Welcome
09:45 P. Grassberger Discontinuous percolation transitions: How cooperation can lead to disasters
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: F. Sylos Labini
11:00 L. Pietronero New Metrics for Economic Complexity: Measuring the Intangible Growth Potential of Countries
11:45 M. Jensen Coupled Oscillators and Arnold Tongues in Cell Dynamics
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Chair: P. Muratore Ginanneschi
14:00 G. Jona Lasinio On thermodynamic transformations
14:45 E. Aurell Entropy production mesoscopically and macroscopically
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chair: M. Zannetti
16:00 D. Villamaina Fluctuations and generalized response theory in statistical physics
16:45 L. Rondoni Morally, it works: on current applications of ergodic notions in statistical physics

Tuesday 23 September

Chair: M. Casartelli
09:00 M. Berry The singularities of light: intensity, phase, polarization
09:45 S. Chibbaro Some considerations on Determinism, Chaos and Reductionism
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: S. Lepri
11:00 S. Ruffo Kuramoto model of synchronization: equilibrium and non equilibrium aspects
11:45 A. Politi Chaotic properties of oscillator networks
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Chair: A. Mazzino
14:00 L. Biferale On the direct and inverse energy transfer in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional turbulent flows
14:45 G. Boffetta Lagrangian Turbulence: 20 years after
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Chair: G. Mantica
16:00 C. Lopez Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents: applications to transport in the oceans
16:45 G. Battimelli A random talk in history

Wednesday 24 September

Chair: G. Gaeta
09:00 R. Livi Spectral methods for the Analysis of DNA promoters
09:45 A. Petri A Brownian ratchet driven by the Coulomb friction
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Chair: L. Leuzzi
11:00 A. Crisanti Aging Fluctuation Relation and Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem: a possible relation
11:45 G. Parisi Exact theory of dense amorphous hard spheres in high dimension
12:30 Closing