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Results from TNTgroup web retrieved at 14:53 (GMT)

Photo Album The Fathers Us A trio of us (courtesy of Baldassarri) A Master among the Masters
Siti utili (informatica spinta) spiegazione del boot su linux spiegazione di udev audio su ubuntu 9.04 sul networking per tutte le distro...
Alessandro Sarracino`s homepage Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universit...
Andrea Baldassarri Article text. Comments
Thermodynamics: The study of how everything is getting worse all the time, and how if you speed that up a little you can run an engine. (Zach Weinersmith, Science...
Angelo Vulpiani Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the di Fisica di Roma `La Sapienza` Scientific Interests : dynamical systems, turbulence,...
Selection for an experimental postdoc in Italian CNR project (physics, soft matter and biophysics). This call is issued by Dr. Andrea Puglisi at the Research...
Number of topics: 7

Topic revision: r15 - 2020-07-14 - AndreaBaldassarri
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