| Selection for 1-year (renewable) experimental postdoc.
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- We are looking for a young researcher holding a Ph. D. in Physics. The candidate should start working in the next Fall (possibly by September/October), 2019.
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- We are looking for a young researcher holding a Ph. D. in Physics (or Biology?). The candidate should start working by September/October 2019.
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- The winner of the selection will work in a theoretical/experimental project named Microsort
aimed at investigating spermatozoa and their interaction with microfluidic channels. Our scientific goal is to find optimal geometries to sort sperms based upon motility or other features.
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- The winner of the selection will work in a theoretical/experimental project named Microsort
aimed at investigating spermatozoa and their interaction with small, microfluidic, channels. Our scientific goal is to find optimal geometries to sort sperms based upon motility or other features.
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- We are looking for an experimentalist. Preference will be given to candidates holding experience with microbiology protocols.
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- We are looking for an experimentalist. The candidate should have experience with microbiology protocols, better if in physics experiments. More specific requirements?
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- The candidate will conduct the experimental part of the project, learning new protocols for preparation and preservation of samples, interfacing with facilities for the production of microfluidic chips, using microscopes to observe the system and perform measurements, analysing data and results. The experimental activity will take place in the laboratory of Roberto di Leonardo (Sapienza University) where several similar experiments are already conducted and an active and experienced research group is present.
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- The candidate will conduct the experimental part of the project, learning new protocols for preparation and preservation of samples, interfacing with facilities which will prepare the microfluidic chips, using microscopes to observe the system and analysing data and results. This will take place in the laboratory of Roberto di Leonardo (Sapienza University) where many similar experiments are already conducted and an active and experienced research group is present and will coach and flank the candidate.
- The contract will be 1 year, possible renewals can be discussed and depend upon the (not yet definite) endtime of the project. The type of contract is the Italian "Assegno di Ricerca".
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- The contract will be 1 year, possible renewals can be discussed and depend upon the (not yet definite) endtime of the project. The type of contract is the Italian "Assegno di Ricerca". Salary depends upon the candidate experience after Ph. D.
- Applications, recommendation letters (at least one), and any request for information can be sent to andrea.puglisi AT roma1.infn.it .
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-- Andrea Puglisi - 2019-04-12 |