Backlinks to AndreaPuglisi in all Webs (Search TNTgroup Web only)

Results from TNTgroup web retrieved at 23:40 (GMT)

Photo Album The Fathers Us A trio of us (courtesy of Baldassarri) A Master among the Masters
Siti utili (informatica spinta) spiegazione del boot su linux spiegazione di udev audio su ubuntu 9.04 sul networking per tutte le distro...
Selection for an experimental postdoc in Italian CNR project (physics, soft matter and biophysics). This call is issued by Dr. Andrea Puglisi at the Research...
The driven granular gas: a non equilibrium statistically stationary system Non gaussian behavior Fluctuations and dissipation Breakdown of energy...
The Granular Lab Work is in progress
Me in the middle of a `highway` in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with...
Istruzioni per l`uso del sito (gentile concessione del dr. Baldassarri) Introduzione generale Questo sito e` costruito con una sistema (twiki) pensato per favorire...
Useful Links WebHome Preprint Archive Scienza Roma on Bibtex on Mathematics Latex (amsmath) Useful Linux Administration Turorials Utilities...
Open positions Theoretical Postdoctoral Research in Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems applied to Photonics at the Institute for Chemical Physical Processes...
Members and Friends Giovanni Bachelet Massimo Falcioni Angelo Vulpiani Fabio Cecconi Massimo Cencini Andrea Puglisi Collaborators and Friends...
Spring 2015 Seminars 23/4/2015 Microscopic theory for anomalous transport phenomena in crowded environments Sarracino (UPMC Univ Paris 06) the slides... 1;filename PV87.pdf Paladin Vulpiani, `Anomalous Scaling Laws in Multifractals...
Brevi istruzioni cluster tnt (nato nel 2020 con i fondi PRIN CO NEST) ACCESSO ssh X utente #64;pgls HOME DIRECTORY la home di ogni utente...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
TNTgroup Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the TNTgroup web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in...
Statistics for TNTgroup Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 16

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