Difference: IndoPuglia (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72021-08-31 - AndreaPuglisi

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Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket Here in September 2021 finally working on physics....
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indonesiagob3.jpg noi.jpg ale.png IMG_20210831_162034399.jpg
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Revision 62019-04-10 - AndreaPuglisi

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Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket
Here alone on fb, novembre 2018
indonesiagob3.jpg noi.jpg ale.png

Revision 52019-03-06 - AndreaPuglisi

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META TOPICPARENT name="AndreaPuglisi"

Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope...
Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket
Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket Here alone on fb, novembre 2018
indonesiagob3.jpg noi.jpg ale.png
indonesiagob3.jpg noi.jpg ale.png 44431626_100574400939449_769875099716157440_n.jpg
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1192627363" name="indonesiagob3.jpg" path="indonesiagob3.jpg" size="172757" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"
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Revision 42017-11-03 - AndreaPuglisi

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META TOPICPARENT name="AndreaPuglisi"

Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope...
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope...
Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket

Revision 32017-11-02 - AndreaPuglisi

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META TOPICPARENT name="AndreaPuglisi"

Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... And here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen Here near the legendary Lago Puzzo, October 2017, throwing another tiny barbarian in the basket
indonesiagob3.jpg indonesiagobnew.jpg
indonesiagob3.jpg noi.jpg ale.png
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="indonesiagob3.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1192627362" name="indonesiagob3.jpg" path="indonesiagob3.jpg" size="172757" stream="indonesiagob3.jpg" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1509615599" name="ale.png" path="ale.png" size="846879" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" autoattached="1" comment="" date="1192627363" name="indonesiagob3.jpg" path="indonesiagob3.jpg" size="172757" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"

Revision 22013-09-04 - AndreaPuglisi

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META TOPICPARENT name="AndreaPuglisi"
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope...
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... And here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with a tiny barbarian specimen
indonesiagob3.jpg indonesiagobnew.jpg
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="indonesiagob3.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1192627362" name="indonesiagob3.jpg" path="indonesiagob3.jpg" size="172757" stream="indonesiagob3.jpg" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"

Revision 12007-10-17 - AndreaPuglisi

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META TOPICPARENT name="AndreaPuglisi"
Me in the middle of a "highway" in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope...


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="indonesiagob3.jpg" attr="h" comment="" date="1192627362" name="indonesiagob3.jpg" path="indonesiagob3.jpg" size="172757" stream="indonesiagob3.jpg" user="Main.AndreaPuglisi" version="1"
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