As discussed above, the conjecture that the Inelastic Hard Rod model
falls, asymptotically, in the universality class of the inviscid
Burgers equation (that describes the sticky gas), independently of
, also predicts that the tails of the velocity distribution decay
[89]. On the other hand, an
accurate numerical test of this prediction [22] seems
problematic, whereas the bulk of the distribution does not deviate
appreciably from a Gaussian. This can be seen in Fig. fig_vdist1d,
right frame.
This Figure shows again (like in the discussion of the Inelastic
Lattice Gas) that the asymptotic velocity distribution is a Gaussian,
whereas it deviates sensibly from a Gaussian in the first Haff regime.
![]() |
To the best of our knowledge, exact analytic treatments of the
Inelastic Hard Rod model are limited to the homogeneous regime, by
means of asymptotic solutions of the Boltzmann equation. Caglioti et
al. [25] have found analytic asymptotic solutions of
the Boltzmann equation for a 1d inelastic hard rod gas in the limit and
is the density), for general starting
distributions. They obtained a distribution, invariant if
rescaled with
which is the superposition of two delta
functions. For MD numerical simulations, the observation of two
distinct peaks in the rescaled velocity distribution was reported by
Sela and Goldhirsch [197]. Our measurement agrees with this
prediction, as evident in Fig. fig_vdist1d, left frame: it
represents a precursor of that singular asymptotic
distribution. However, the appearance of inhomogeneities and,
eventually, the inelastic collapse prevent the approach to the
expected limiting distribution.