Now, we can go a step further relating the clustering properties of
the system to the velocity distribution. In order to do that we
consider the following quantities: the distribution of boxes (of
volume ),
, containing a given number
of particles
and the velocity variance
, in a box occupied by
particles. We also observe that restricting the statistics of the
velocities to boxes of volume
containing only a fixed number of
particles, i.e. studying a sort of fixed density velocity
distribution, the velocity distribution appears closer to a
Maxwellian, even if the global distribution is strongly
non-Gaussian. We show this measure in Fig. fig_vdist_fixdens
We consider first the non-clusterized case (
). Within this regime we find from the simulations that:
By assuming in each box a Gaussian velocity distribution with a
constant variance
it turns out that the global
velocity distribution
is Gaussian. Let us recall that
the Poisson distribution is the one associated with a process of
putting independently
particles into
Let us turn to the clusterized case. If and
, in
MD simulations with
, considering only the occupied boxes (
), we measure the following relations
Let us compute from these scalings the global velocity
distribution. Taking into account that the spatial probability
distribution of the particles is
and assuming that
their local velocity distribution is Gaussian, but with a variance
which depends on the occupancy, we
obtain, for the global velocity distribution
, and in
the continuum limit:
We stress how the the distributions measured in the simulations are in very good agreement (see the dashed line in Fig. fig_v_1d_MD) with the numerical computation of eq. (3.31), which, in summary, has been obtained under only the following hypothesis:
The hypothesis about the scaling relation between the velocity
variance (i.e. ) and the local density, apart from being
justified numerically, can be understood in the following way. The
stationarity and the scale-invariance of the cluster distribution,
implies a certain distribution of lifetimes for the clusters. In
particular each cluster has a lifetime which is inversely proportional
to its size. The scale-invariant cluster-size distribution thus
implies a scale-invariant distribution for the lifetimes. The cluster
lifetime is strictly related to the variance of the velocity
distribution inside the cluster itself. In order to ensure the
stability of a cluster in a stationary state we have to require that
the velocities of the particles belonging to it are not too different,
or equivalently that the variance of the distribution is smaller the
higher the density. So, given a scale-invariant distribution of
clusters one would expect a scale-invariant distribution of variances,
that is