Motile microorganisms in a flow
Keywords Interplay between swimming and fluid transport,
Clustering of gyrotactic phytoplankton.

Inertial Particles in random and turbulent flows
Keywords Transport of inertial particles,
Clustering of inertial particles.

Population dynamics
Keywords Neutral theory of biodiversity,
Theoretical Ecology.

Keywords Chaotic Synchronization, Synchronization as a non-equilibrium phase-transition

Keywords two & three-dimensional turbulence, Anomalous scaling, Shell models, Multifractal Model, Lagrangian Turbulence
exit times & inverse structure functions |

Scalar transport
Keywords Active and Passive Scalar Turbulence, Diffusion and Mixing,
Non-Asymptotic properties, Reactive transport and Front Propagation, Binary Mixtures

Dynamical Systems
Keywords Chaos, Information theory applied to chaos, ε-entropy & exit times, Finite Size Lyapunov Expnents,
High Dimensional Chaos, Collective Motion, Coupled Map Lattices