In contact with nonequilibrium

We discuss how contact with a nonequilibrium bath can modify the effective dynamics of a probe.
In particular, systematic forces may become nongradient; the second fluctuation-dissipation relation
can be broken and the noise may be nonGaussian and showing power law distributed jumps.

Based on the papers:
Christian Maes and Thimothée Thiery, The induced motion of a probe coupled to a bath with random resettings. arXiv:1705.07670 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
Matthias Kruger and Christian Maes, The modified Langevin description for probes in a nonlinear medium. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 064004 (2017).
Urna Basu, Pierre de Buyl, Christian Maes and Karel Netočný, Driving-induced stability with long-range effects. EPL 115, 30007 (2016).
Christian Maes and Stefano Steffenoni, Friction and noise for a probe in a nonequilibrium fluid. Physical Review E91, 022128-7 (2015).
Christian Maes, On the Second Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem for Nonequilibrium Baths. Journal of Statistical Physics 154, 705-722 (2014).