Negative mobility, the paradoxical response of inertial tracers in steady laminar flows
We study the mobility and the diffusion coefficient of an inertial tracer advected by a two-dimensional incompressible laminar flow, under
the joint influence of external force and thermal noise.
Extensive numerical simulations shows that the force-velocity curve of the tracer displays a complex behavior, including negative
differential and absolute mobility in certain regimes.
These effects rely upon a subtle interplay between inertia, external force and nonlinearity that contribute to keep the tracer in
particular regions of
phase space with a velocity opposite to the force.
The relevance of this coupling is revisited in the framework of nonequilibrium response theory via a generalized Einstein relation to our
Ref. A.Sarracino, F.Cecconi, A.Puglisi, A.Vulpiani, PRL 117, 174501 (2016).