Granular Materials are a new frontier in Statistical Mechanics.
Being inspired to a long history of problems in engineer and industrial application, with roots in the 19th century, a large and heterogeneous family of experiments has demonstrated the richness of granular phenomenology. Moreover, the fundamental properties of granular media (mainly inelasticity of collisions and macroscopicity of grains) have motivated the born of an entire new branch of theoretical physics with its zoo of minimal models, the so-called granular gases, displaying an intriguing behavior in spite of their simplicity. The speculative spirit of this branch of theoretical granular physics must not be underestimated: often granular gases are very abstract models that can be observed only in the silicon cage of a computer simulation, but their importance for a substantial criticism of the basic assumptions (and limits) of Kinetic Theory, Hydrodynamics and general non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, is widely recognized. This thesis focuses on the particular subject of Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases and is devoted to two main tasks:
In this introduction we give a brief presentation of granular materials and anticipate the content of the five chapters of this thesis.
What are granular materials?
A granular material is a substance made of grains, i.e. macroscopic particles with a spatial extension (average diameter) that ranges from the microns to the centimeters. In line of principle the size of grains is not limited as far as their behavior can be described by classical mechanics. For example, the physics of planetary rings (made of objects with a diameter far larger than centimeters) is sometimes approached using models of granular media. More often the term ``granular'' applies to industrial powders: in chemical or pharmaceutical industries the problem of mixing or separating different kinds of powders is well known; the problem of the transport of pills, seeds, concretes, etc. is also widely studied by engineers; the prevention of avalanches or the study of formation and motion of desert dunes are the subject of important studies all around the world, often involving granular theories; silos containing granular food sometimes undergo to dramatic breakages, or more often their content become irreversibly stuck in the inside, because of huge internal force chains; the problem of diffusion of fluids through densely packed granular materials (earths) is vital for the industry of natural combustibles; the study of ripples formations in the sand under shallow sea waters can solve important emergencies on many coasts of the world. Rough estimates of the losses suffered in the U.S. economy due to ``granular problems'' amount to ... billions of dollars a year.
The physicists usually have reduced the complexity of real situations, performing experiments to probe the fundamental behavior of granular media. The models proposed by theoretical physicists are even more idealized, in order to catch the essential ingredients of single phenomena. Therefore, in an experiment the grains are often all smooth spheres with the same size, same restitution coefficient, perfectly dry, in the void, and so on. In a numerical simulation the grains can become rods moving on a segment or disks without rotational freedom. However some ingredients are common in all the approaches to granular systems and, in some sense, can be considered the very definition (from the point of view of Physics) of the granular state of matter.
What are the basic properties of granular materials?
In the study of granular physics the properties that are usually shared by different models are the following:
What are the open problems in the physics of granular materials?
It is useful to stress here the existence of a main division between two different ``states'' in which the granular materials can be, depending upon the external conditions (available volume, intensity of the driving, degree of inelasticity of the collisions, presence of fluids, and so on):
What are granular gases?
In a word, they are ``ideal'' inelastic gases. The paradigm of
inelastic gases is the gas of smooth hard spheres with
restitution coefficient . They are often considered in two and
even in one dimension. It could be said that a simple change in a
parameter (
, from
) has awakened again the interest
in hard spheres gases, which were deeply investigated in their elastic
form in the 60's and 70's. The interest on granular gases is born from
the necessity of probing granular kinetics theories elaborated in the
80's (for a review see [52]): this program was begun by
means of simple simulations (the first simulation of granular
materials are described in [52]). As long as new
phenomena were observed (clustering [96], inelastic
collapse [157], breakdown of equipartition [77],
and so on) the interest increased and a better and better
formalization of the theory was achieved.
The attention has been initially directed toward cooling
granular gases, that is inelastic gases without external energy
sources. A cooling granular gas starts from an initial state which is
usually homogeneous in density and has some kind of distribution of
velocities (for example Gaussian). After a number of collisions of the
order of the size (number of particles) of the system, the effects of
inelasticity begin to appear: the total kinetic energy (that, if
calculated in the center of mass frame, is equivalent to the global
granular temperature) decreases as an inverse power of the time
and the distribution of velocities, even if scaled with
its variance, is no more the initial distribution. After some time, if
the system is large enough, velocity correlations start to appear: in
fact two particles exit from an inelastic collision with a reduction
of their relative velocity in the direction perpendicular to their
distance, i.e. they travel more parallel than before the
collision. This velocity correlations appear, for example, as
vortices. When this happens the decay of the energy with time changes,
in particular the energy decays more slowly, because collisions among
such correlated particles dissipate less energy. Furtherly, some time
later, correlations in the density emerge, the particles clusterize
and the energy decay changes again. A numerical study of these late
stages of the cooling gas evolution usually requires good resources
and optimization of the algorithms (these instabilities appear at
large scale and at late times, furtherly the aging of the system
prevents from accumulating statistics over time), but also special
regularizations for the collision rules: in a cluster of particles, in
fact, the time between collisions may reduce to zero (numerical zero),
that is the collision rate may diverge. This situation is known as
inelastic collapse and usually prevents the simulation from going
on. A restitution coefficient that depends on the relative velocity of
the colliding particles is commonly used to circumvent the problem.
After the seminal paper of Du, Li, and Kadanoff [77], part of the effort has been devoted to understand the problem of driven granular gases. Different models have been proposed, in order to reproduce realistic situations. The driving can be in-homogeneous, for example a vibrating wall, leading to an in-homogeneous stationary state, or otherwise homogeneous, for example a vibrating plate under the layer of grains. A good success has been obtained by a class of idealized driven models, usually referred to as homogeneously heated granular gases: the velocities of the particles are periodically ``kicked'' by a random amount. A debate exists on the necessity of introducing also a systematic friction proportional to the velocities of the particle. If the friction is considered, the model can be modeled in terms of a Langevin equation for the velocity of each particle with the addition of inelastic collisions. The friction term regularizes the evolution of the system, which otherwise would present undesirable phenomena (very large fluctuations of the total momentum and, depending on the dimensionality, also an increase of total kinetic energy). The numerical and analytical study of homogeneously heated granular gases have demonstrated that the stationary granular state is usually very different from that of an ideal gas, with non-Gaussian distribution of velocities and stationary spatial correlations. These features have been recently confirmed by experiments which are reasonable realizations of the model (for example spheres traveling on the surface of a rapidly vibrating plate, considering only horizontal velocities).
What is the content of this thesis?
This thesis consists of a review of existing experiments and theories (Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and first section of Chapter 5), and of a presentation of results obtained by the author with his coworkers.
We anticipate that we have devoted a part of the review work (Chapter 2) to a very concise summary of kinetic theory, with the ambition of offering a survey of the logical path from the Newton laws of mechanics to the Navier-Stokes-like hydrodynamic theories, giving in parallel the ``granular'' (inelastic) version of the theory. This give us the possibility to stress the assumptions underlying the theories of ordinary fluids, in order to better evaluate the limits of existing granular kinetic and hydrodynamic models.
This thesis is organized as follows: