Curriculum Vitae
Fabio Cecconi
Born: 11 May 1966 Rome, Italy
1993, Degree in Physics at University
"La Sapienza" Rome, Italy
Theoretical Thesis: "Markovian approximation of chaotic dynamical
1999, Ph.D. in Physics at University of Florence (Italy)
Theoretical Thesis: "Interfaces in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems;"
1999-2001, Postdoctoral position at "International School for
Advanced Studies" (SISSA) Trieste, Italy.
2002, Research fellowship at Physics Dept. of University
"La Sapienza", Rome Italy.
2003, Research fellowship at the "Center For Statistical Mechanics and Complexity" Rome-Italy.
National Institute for the study of Condensed Matter (INFM).
Researcher at the "Center For Statistical Mechanics and
Complexity" Rome-Italy.
National Institute for the study of Condensed Matter (INFM).
Researcher at the "Institute For Complex Systems (ISC)"
National Research Council of Italy (CNR).
Workshops and Congresses
"Advanced Course on Deterministic Chaos", Laboratoire de Physique
des Oc\'eanes, C.N.R.S.
Brest (France), June 1991.
"V Seminario Nazionale di Fisica Teorica", University of Parma (Italy),
2-15 September 1996.
"Summer College in Condensed Matter on Statistical Physics of
Frustrated Systems"
ICTP Trieste (Italy), 28 July - 15 August 1997.
Spring College on "Statistical Mechanics and Dynamics of Soft
Condensed Matter"
ICTP Trieste (Italy), 4 - 15 May 1998.
XX IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics
"Statphys 20", Paris, 20 - 24 July 1998.
Scaling Behaviour of Maximum Lyapunov Exponent
in Coupled Map Lattices.
Workshop "Protein Folding: Simple Models and Experiments"
ISI Foundation, Villa Gualino (Torino-Italy), April 28 - May 2, 2000.
"VI Convegno di fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi",
Universita` di Parma (Italy) 29 - 31 May 2001
Studio di Dinamica Molecolare sull HIV-1 Protease:
Resistenza ai Farmaci e Folding Pathways.
"International Workshop on Protein Folding, Structure and Design",
ICTP Trieste (Italy), 11-22 June 2001.
Molecular Dynamics Studies on HIV-1 Protease:
Drug Resistance and Folding Pathways.
"Colloquio interdisciplinare sulla Biologia"
Universita` di Roma Tor Vergata, 26 November 2003
Talk: Approccio geometrico al protein folding
"Workshop Forum STADYBIS" - Forum-INFM STADYBYS
Plesso Didattico - University of
Florence (Italy), 6-8 February, 2003
Thermal Instability and Length of Proteins.
"XXII Convegno di Fisica Teorica e Struttura della Materia" (INFM)
Fai della Paganella, Trento (Italy), 20-23 March 2003
Cooperation Models in Biology.
"IX Convegno di fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi"
Parma (Italy), 22-24 May 2004
Modelli fenomenologici con interazioni native per lo studio del protein
CSIMTA Conference: Complex Systems, Intelligence and Modern
Technology Applications
Cherbourg (France), 19-22 September 2004
Influence of thermal instability on protein sizes.
International conference "BIOPH 05"
Bari (Italy) September 7-9 2005
Mapping the kinetic bottlenecks of hPin1 WW domain through
unfolding simulations.
"First Australian-Italian Workshop on Statistical Mechanics and
Complex Fluids"
Gold Coast Brisbane (Australia) February 19-22 2006
Properties of inelastic hard-rod gases.
International conference FD 2006
"Fluctuations and Dissipation: The new synthesis far from equilibrium"
Camerino (Italy), March 19-21 2006
Properties of the inelastic Takahashi hard-rod gas.
International conference "Proteins at Work 2007"
Perugia (Italy), May 28-30, 2007
Computational assessment of mutation impact on domain C5 from Myosin
Binding Protein C
XIV Convegno di fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi,
Parma (Italy), 24-26 June 2009
A statistical model for translocation of structured polypeptide chains
through nanopores
XIII European Conference on Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (ECSBM)
Palermo (Italy), August 28 - September 2, 2009.
A statistical model for protein translocation across nanopores
XII International Workshop on Complex Systems
Andalo, Trento (Italy), 15-18 March 2010.
Statistical dynamics of protein translocation
School-Conference Anomalous Transport: from Billiards to Nanosystems
Sperlonga (Italy), 20-24 Sept. 2010.
Transport of proteins across nanopores: a physicist's perspective
Conference: Dynamics of Complex Systems
Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France),
5-9 Sept. 2011
Computational comparison between the driven dynamics of Maltose
Binding Protein across nano-channels and its mechanical denaturation.
Conference: FisMat2013
Politecnico di Milano, 09-13 Sept. 2013, Milano (Italy)
Protein translocation in narrow pores: inferring bottlenecks from
native-structure topology .
Conference: "Mathematical and Statistical Models for Genetic Coding".
Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
26-28 Sept. 2013, Mannheim (Germany)
Nanopores as biosensors: sequencing and theoretical challenges.
Conference: "Biophysics@Rome2014"
CNR-Area Ricerca Tor Vegata 22-23 May 2014, Rome (Italy).
Coarse-grained modeling of protein unspecifically bound to DNA
"XIX Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Statistica e dei Sistemi Complessi".
University of Parma, 25-27 June 2014, Parma (Italy).
Multistep protein transport across nanopores:
description and prediction.
Conference: "Biophysics@Rome2015"
CNR-Area Ricerca Tor Vegata 28-29 May 2015, Rome (Italy).
Protein translocation through graphene nanopores.
Mini-workshop: "Paths through chaos and complexity".
Area di Ricerca CNR, June 8-9 2015, Florence (Italy).
Protein transport across nano-channels: basic mechanisms and
Workshop-School: "Non standard transport"
Gran Sasso Science Institute, July 15-17 2015, L'Aquila (Italy).
Complexity in the transport of biomolecules across
Workshop: "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Small Systems"
Sapienza University , 18-20 Sept. 2017, Rome (Italy).
Negative mobility, the paradoxical response of inertial
tracers in steady laminar flows.
ICTP-SISSA Miramare Campus, 1-5 October 2017, Trieste (Italy).
Frequency-control of protein translocation across an oscillating nanopore.
Conference: "La genesi dei modelli: teoria, simulazioni e dati"
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, November 25-27 2019, Rome (Italy).
Costruzione di modelli da dati strutturali: loro applicazione allo studio
della traslocazione di proteine.
Workshop: "Frontiers in Ion Channels and Nanopores: theory, experiments, and simulation" (FICN2021)
University of Rome "Sapienza", February 2-5 2021, Rome (Italy).
Competition among electrophoresis, electroosmosis and dielectrophoresis
in particle capture into nanopores.
Conference: "SR40, 1981-2021 forty years of Stochastic Resonance"
University of Perugia, 13-15 Sept. 2021, Perugia (Italy).
Frequency-control of protein translocation across an oscillating nanopore
II SIFS Conference: "XXVI National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems"
University of Parma, 20th-22th June 2022, Parma (Italy).
Understanding causation via correlations and linear response theory.
International Workshop: "Transport in Narrow Channels (TNC22)"
Institute d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese (IESC),
5th - 9th Sept. 2022, Cargese (FR).
Protein Transport Across Nanopores: Statistical Mechanical
description based on Coarse-Grained Modeling and Approaches