Difference: TWikiSite (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112001-02-03 - PeterThoeny

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  • make the text editing process very simple ( click on the Edit link at the bottom of the page )
  • and to find information fast ( WebSearch ).
In addition to being quick, TWiki also aspires to Zen ideals generally labeled WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need.
 What does the name TWiki stand for?
  • Wiki wiki means quick in Hawai'ian. They call the shuttle at the Honolulu airport the wiki wiki bus.
  • TWiki is the short form of TakeFive Wiki . (Later on I found out that Twiki is the name of a robot in a Buck Rogers TV show in 1979)
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