Difference: TWikiCss (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Appendix C: TWiki CSS

Line: 91 to 91
.twikiFormTableFooter formtables.tmpl
.twikiAttachments attachtables.tmpl
.twikiEditForm form.tmpl
.twikiSubmit Submit button
.twikiSubmitDisabled Disabled submit button
.twikiInputFieldFocus For Internet Explorer that does not recognize the :focus pseudo class selector
.twikiInputFieldBeforeFocus for use with Javascript: the color of the input text when not clicked in the field
.twikiSelect Select dropdown menu
Line: 123 to 124
.twikiMakeHidden For elements that should be hidden with javascript on: no default style, is made hidden by javascript.
.twikiPopUp Behaviour marker so a popup-window can be invoked
.twikiContentHeader container around optional html placed before topic text
.twikiContentFooter container around optional html placed after topic text

TWiki Styles used in configure

#twikiLogin CSS.pm
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiCss.