Difference: InstantEnhancements (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Instant TWiki Site Enhancements

These quick enhancements are aimed at improving and customising your TWiki. New TWiki site administrators are especially encouraged to review this document for ideas before deploying a new TWikiSite. The metaphor of building a house is useful. The listed enhancements are some of the details possible when moving into a new office or home. These small changes can make a big differences for user satisfaction at your site. All modifications can be done through your Web browser, and they don't take more then in a couple of minutes. No system administration expertise is required. Some of these enhancements are also mentioned in the reference manual and other topics.

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  Icons can do a lot to enhance scannability of topics. For instance, on HELP pages, most people tend to jump around looking for answers rather than reading through - icons help point out the most important bits.
TWikiDocGraphics has a whole collection of ready icon images. You can use these images in any topic by referring to their name. For example, TWikiDocGraphics has an image attachment called days.gif. To show this image in a topic, write %ICON{"days"}% to get Days, Calendar.
TWikiDocGraphics has a whole collection of ready icon images. You can use these images in any topic by referring to their name. For example, TWikiDocGraphics has an image attachment called days.gif. To show this image in a topic, write %ICON{"days"}% to get Days, Calendar.
  Creating image variables
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  • Set DOWN = DOWN
Most images in TWikiDocGraphics are 16 x 16 pixels.
Most images in TWikiDocGraphics are 16 x 16 pixels.
  • Related: There are other approaches for creating more extensive TWiki icon libraries. This is a simply and quick way to get started. See TWikiDocGraphics for more info.
  • Related: There are other approaches for creating more extensive TWiki icon libraries. This is a simply and quick way to get started. See TWikiDocGraphics for more info.

Use TOC variable to create table of content

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  Other cusomtisations are possible using WEBLOGOIMG, WEBLOGOURL, and WEBLOGOALT (they mirror the WIKILOGO* TWiki variables, but are applied to each web, rather than to the %WIKITOOLNAME%-based references)
If you'd like to have the same customised logo for all the webs, make these changes in TWikiPreferences instead of each web's WebPreferences, e.g.,
  • Set WEBLOGOIMG = %PUBURLPATH%/TWiki/WebPreferences/mylogo.gif
If you'd like to have the same customised logo for all the webs, make these changes in TWikiPreferences instead of each web's WebPreferences, e.g.,
  • Set WEBLOGOIMG = %PUBURLPATH%/Main/WebPreferences/mylogo.gif

Customize Topic Classification Forms

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.InstantEnhancements.