TWiki's TNTgroup webThe TNTgroup web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise. 2025 by contributing authors2024-10-07T12:04:08ZAndreaPuglisi The study of how everything is getting worse all the time, and how if you speed that up a little you can run an engine. (Zach Weinersmith, Science... (last changed by AndreaPuglisi)AndreaPuglisiPubliCations 63) A. Crisanti, L. Salasnich, A. Sarracino, and M. Zannetti, vs. Grand Canonical Ensemble for Bosonic Gases under Harmonic Confinement, Entropy 26... (last changed by AlessandroSarracino)AlessandroSarracinoAngeloVulpiani Vulpiani Full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the di Fisica di Roma `La Sapienza` Scientific Interests : dynamical systems, turbulence,... (last changed by AngeloVulpiani)AngeloVulpianiTntCluster istruzioni cluster tnt (nato nel 2020 con i fondi PRIN CO NEST) ACCESSO ssh X utente #64;pgls HOME DIRECTORY la home di ogni utente... (last changed by AndreaPuglisi)AndreaPuglisiPantheon MAXWELL BOLTZMANN POINCARE` Fry RICHARDSON Nikolaevic KOLMOGOROV Davidovich LANDAU LUXEMBURG GOBETTI GRAMSCI MANDELA... (last changed by AngeloVulpiani)AngeloVulpianiMyBooks Crisanti, G. Paladin and A. Vulpiani `Products of Random Matrices in Statistical Physics` (Springer Verlag, Berlin 1993, Paperback Ed. 2012) A. Vulpiani... (last changed by AngeloVulpiani)AngeloVulpianiAndreaBaldassarri Baldassarri Article text. Comments (last changed by AndreaBaldassarri)AndreaBaldassarriAlessandroSarracino Sarracino`s homepage Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Universit... (last changed by AlessandroSarracino)AlessandroSarracinoIndoPuglia in the middle of a `highway` in Sumatra, Indonesia, August 2003, playing with a wooden gyroscope... Here on the greek island of Milos, August 2013, playing with... (last changed by AndreaPuglisi)AndreaPuglisiTNTeaTime In questa pagina raccogliamo il materiale degli interventi degli incontri virtuali del TNTea Time 26/5/2020 Angelo Vulpiani Levels of Reality in Weather... (last changed by AndreaBaldassarri)AndreaBaldassarriWebHome to the 1 web Login or Register People Research Publications Links About us WebHome TNTeaTime Come usare questo sito Si informa... (last changed by AndreaBaldassarri)AndreaBaldassarriAnnouncePostdoc for an experimental postdoc in Italian CNR project (physics, soft matter and biophysics). This call is issued by Dr. Andrea Puglisi at the Research... (last changed by AndreaPuglisi)AndreaPuglisiSomeReviews 1;filename PV87.pdf Paladin Vulpiani, `Anomalous Scaling Laws in Multifractals... (last changed by AngeloVulpiani)AngeloVulpianiPrimaVera 2015 Seminars 23/4/2015 Microscopic theory for anomalous transport phenomena in crowded environments Sarracino (UPMC Univ Paris 06) the slides... (last changed by AndreaPuglisi)AndreaPuglisiGiacomoGradenigo Gradenigo Home page Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy), Grenoble, FRANCE Research interests SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS AND THE GLASS TRANSITION... (last changed by GiacomoGradenigo)GiacomoGradenigoDarioVillamaina Villamaina Post doc CNRS fellowship , University of Paris Sud, Paris Research Interests Non equilibrium statistical mechanics, Response theory, Granular materials... (last changed by DarioVillamaina)DarioVillamaina